Thursday, November 28, 2013


It was my intention to explain the word "simple," and by the time I put the thoughts into words it became more difficult. I am sometimes at odds with others when I say that something is simple, and I must remind them that I did not say easy, there is a big distinction between the two terms.Life is simple and it is as it was meant to be. As we set out to explain "simple," we give it meaning and then it becomes "difficult." It is our meaning that is difficult, not the word itself.A newly born baby is simple. It is born into nothing, it is nothing and it knows nothing at a conscious level. Everything that it sees, hears, feels, tastes and smells is nothing. A baby can only experience the five senses as nothing and how it interprets these sensations and defines them later on will be unique to this one individual.Life was meant to be experienced and we are not here to learn anything and Life has no meaning except for the meaning that you give it. The learning is secondary and is a result of experiencing or expressing life, (which is the prime directive).Nothing is "simple," and it is our definitions that make "simple," difficult.There are only two words that apply to you when you are born, "I AM." The awareness of your physical life begins with these two words only, and is all that is necessary for life. As we begin to mature in the awareness of "I AM," we add our personal identity to the words and life begins to become more difficult. "I AM... Roy," "I AM... male," "I AM... brother to..., son to...As I was contemplating the essence of this essay while resting in bed this morning, I wanted only to create a one page explanation of "simple," and by the time I got up and started writing I was half-way to creating a new book on "simple." The farther I move into these paragraphs the more complicated it is becoming and I see no end. It would be very difficult to go back and start over now because I have gone beyond "simple," and have given it life and it is moving in a different direction than what I originally thought.I wanted to say that life is "simple," and that the secrets to life are "simple." But it cannot be explained simply. As soon as I give the words birth, they demand expression and self actualization. If I gave you the secrets of life now, they would be too simple for you to understand. I would have to make the explanations difficult in order for you to find your way back to "simple." You would have to define "simplicity," in your own terms before you could understand it. For example, these are a few of life's greatest secrets in simple words.I am.We are not here to learn anything.We are all one.God does not exist.Life is an illusion.These are but a sample of "simple," truths that demand human explanation and complexity, they cry out to be defined in terms that we can accept, so it is our responsibility to give life definition and life has no meaning other than what we give it individually. You are a simple being; you are "I AM," what comes after that makes it more complex and difficult.If you think about what I have written, I have really said nothing. The idea was complete before I started writing and what I am doing now is taking it apart piece by piece to give it some meaning as a whole. I am going backwards. My thoughts were complete while I was contemplating a future article. I had to physically go into the past to recreate the thoughts on paper, and as I try to recreate them they get more complicated as they create their own life. And if this isn't complicated enough... well then maybe it is a good place to stop, because it does not end here.All things are simple until we try to understand them, and once the process of understanding has commenced the thought is never the same thing again.

Roy E. Klienwachter is a resident of British Columbia, Canada. A student of NLP, ordained minister, New Age Light Worker and Teacher. Roy has written and published five books on New Age wisdom. Roy's books are thought provoking and designed to empower you to take responsibility for your life and what you create. His books and articles are written in the simplicity and eloquence of Zen wisdom.You may not always agree with what he has to say. You will always come away with a new perspective and your thinking will never be the same.Roy's style is honest and comes straight from the heart without all the metaphorical mumble jumble and BS.Visit Roy at:

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Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Types and Sale of Cheap Cosmetics

There are mainly two kinds of makeup. The first is organic makeup while the second is called mineral makeup. There is an exclusive range of cheap cosmetics present in both categories. Most of these cosmetic items are handcrafted. Usually the kind of makeup included in this range is mineral makeup. There are various reasons for making and selling these mineral makeup items. Other than mineral cosmetics, organic makeup products are also sold. The main aim of making these mineral makeup items is to meet the current trends of specific social groups and lifestyles.Usually cosmetics are designed for various age groups and ethnicity. Cheap cosmetics can also be bought from reliable wholesale stores where good quality branded cosmetics is available. Usually the mineral cosmetics include natural mineral compounds in their composition which are required by the skin and essential for its nourishment. Certain pigments are added in order to add color to products like lipsticks, lip glosses and blushers. All these materials are first tested to ensure high quality and to minimize any possible side-effects. Organic cosmetics are often considered long-lasting due to their water resistant nature.Mineral cosmetics are comparatively better than their organic counterparts because they do not cover the skin completely. Instead they leave some room for the pores of skin to breathe. In this way the whole face is given a natural feeling because of light-weight coverage. Another advantage of cheap cosmetics of mineral composition is that these are made of constituents that are free of organic components, oils and other preservatives. Thus skin is not exposed to such irritants as talc and other pigments.Nowadays there is a shift in trend to online shopping of cosmetic products. Various online shopping websites offer the sale of cheap cosmetics of various high quality brands. In addition, they often also ship to overseas customers. Buyers search for the cosmetics they want, and then the order is placed after selection of the desired items. There are many different reputed brands available for sale on various websites. Along with the sale of makeup items, some websites also offer guidelines to customers regarding the selection of cosmetics based on their skin type and tone.Most websites change the offers they have from time to time. This is because the available cheap cosmetics on the websites get updated, while also guiding customers about which of the new offers would suit their skin or hair type. The basic aim of providing makeup items for sale on various websites and outlets is to enable customers to get a complete range of makeup items at an affordable price.Currently, top brands in the cosmetics industry are involved in producing stocks of cheap cosmetics items. An advantage to buying these branded products is that these are not only of high quality but also come at a reasonable price. Although many ranges of cheap cosmetics are not on offer at regular intervals, they are still bought by many customers. These brands commonly specialize in producing cosmetics that are not easily available on the open market. Sometimes websites have special offers from these brands. These products often include special items which do not usually lie within the regular discount price range.

Quick Recap: Cheap cosmetics The online facility of buying and learning makeup has revolutionized the whole cosmetic industry. In this way people become more and more aware of the ways to care for their skin and hair. Click here for Discount cosmetics

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